Early detection is vital.
14,000 women die each year of OC
15% of women have OC detected early
93% of these women survive
62% have OC detected after is spreads
27% of these women survive 5 years
63 is the average age at detection
22,000 women are diagnosed each year
Unlike many other cancers, there is no test to determine whether a woman has ovarian cancer. Some women are diagnosed in the advanced stages, never having had a symptom. But for most women, our bodies signal to us, sometimes very gently, that something is wrong. The statistics teach us that if we catch this disease early, we are likely to live past the cancer. If it is caught late, the odds are against us, and we must fight a difficult uphill battle.
Clinical trials are not just for people that have exhausted the “regular” treatment options. There are many things to consider, but clinical trials can provide tremendous benefits for some patients.
Fortunately, there is a lot of valuable information available. If you are interested in ovarian cancer, start with the following, then continue to our Links page.
Ovarian Cancer National Alliance Inspire ~ discussion groups, news, information, etc.
Ovarian Cancer National Alliance homepage ~ a coalition of many OC advocate groups, information, links, news, events
The Gilda Radner Familial Ovarian Cancer Registry ~ provides lots of good information simply displayed. You can register here as they are compiling data about Ovarian Cancer patients for research.
National Ovarian Cancer Coalition ~ a nationwide organization with information, merchandise, information, fundraisers and more.